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The idea is to raise the money for a full size Spitfire Mk V111 replica length is 31ft 3.5 in (9.54m)

wingspan is 36ft 10in (11.23m) built historically accurate by Gateguards (UK) Limited
















To honour the following Squadrons that served in Burma, Numbers 17, 20, 67, 81, 136, 152, 155, 273, 607 and 615.


This will be a long term project over three years,  due to large amount of funds we're looking to raise. It will be sited at Wings Museum, Unit 1, Bucklands Farm, Brantridge Lane, Near Balcombe, West Sussex RH17 6JT.






The spitfire will be displayed with SEAC roundels only so it will not be dedicated to just one squadron. I hope to have display plaques, showing squadron crests for most of the squadrons.


This is not going to be cheap, the spitfire itself is £55,000.

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